Title was inspired by the Christmas carol that is blaring in my ear compliments of Savannah. The gloomy overcast sky of yesterday has made way for sporadic fluffy clouds and blue sky. There are storm warnings for the higher altitude, but clear skies in the valley. The temperature will hold steady in the low 60's for the rest of the week. We stand out in our short sleeves and occasional shorts. Native Arizonians bundle themselves in winter coats, scarves, gloves,hats, and boots. I smirked at one woman in the post office yesterday morning whom I thought was slightly overdressed for the weather....
The children have spent the day finishing some schooling, and watching Christmas shows. We made it outdoors and while I sat on the sidelines shivering in the cool breeze, the children splashed and swam in the pool. The water temperature is 85 degrees so as long as they stayed under the water they stayed warm. One woman came out and asked if she could take a picture of them. She wanted to send it to her family back East to show what the children in Arizona are doing in December.
After a swim and shower, we got busy in the kitchen. We decided to make Russian Tea Cakes for Santa. Everyone pitched in and soon we were covered in powdered sugar. You can imagine how much Sophie enjoyed that!
Shane just came over to snuggle next to me. He smells so good. Just like a cookie!
Sophie is lamenting over the presents, "I want to open these up! I just can't take it anymore!" And Savannah is busy IMing her friends back in Illinois. I am eagerly awaiting my wonderful husband to arrive home from work so I can head out to the shops in search of "one more" gift.
Stay warm!
1 comment:
Traci went with Lisa again tonight to gather another present and enjoy the holiday season.
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